Standoff 2 Promo Codes • January 2025

Free item

Use this promo code to get an exclusive in-game reward
Used 494 times Expired

Free item

Enter the code and get the Butter fly star fall
Used 1297 times Expired

Free item

Enter the code and you can get AKR Nano Stattrack
Used 391 times Expired

Free currency

Enter the code and you can get 500 currency
Used 321 times Expired

Free item

Enter the code and you can get Desert Eagle Predator
Used 258 times Expired

Free currency

Enter the code and you can get 1,000 currencies
Used 359 times Expired

Free Case

With the code you can get a free case
Used 1365 times Expired

Free Case

With the code you can get a free case
Used 1184 times Expired

Reel spin

Code for free reel spin
Used 767 times Expired

Free item

By code you can get Flip dragon class for free
Used 1069 times Expired

Free item

Free Desert Eagle Predator skin after entering the code
Used 1033 times Expired

Free gift items

Used 644 times Expired

Free item

Free MP7 Offroad skin after entering the code
Used 1036 times Expired

Free item

Free Kunai Luxury Knife Skin
Used 2460 times Expired

Free item

Free M4 Pro skin after entering the code
Used 1323 times Expired

Free item

Free P350 Rally skin after entering the code
Used 1219 times Expired

Free item

Used 1912 times Expired

Free item

Free AKR Necromancer skin after entering the code
Used 3230 times Expired

Free item

By code you can get a G22 Frost wyrm skin
Used 2379 times Expired

Free item

With the code you can get a skin M4 Night Wolf
Used 3381 times Expired

+35% to your deposit

With this code you will receive an additional 35% when you deposit
Used 4014 times Expired

Free item

Use this promo code to get an exclusive in-game reward
Used 179 times Expired

How to use Standoff 2 promo codes

Standoff 2 Promo Codes

Using Standoff 2 promo codes for 2021 is quite easy. All you need is a smartphone with the game installed and a registered account. If you are already playing, then you have it all. To use the codes and get a nice bonus, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the game;
  2. Wait for it to load;
  3. After loading, go to the store;
  4. In it, select the “Promo Code” section;
  5. In the “Activate Promo Code” field, enter one of the values listed above;
  6. Click on the “Apply” button.

If you enter the correct code, your account will be credited with the bonuses due to the code you entered. This could be gold or silver, a weapon, or a skin. Sometimes you may need to try more than one code at a time due to restrictions placed on them.

What you need to pay attention to

As with other services, Standoff 2 promo codes have certain limitations and features. Before you use them, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • 1 code can be used no more than 1 time (although there are exceptions);
  • some items that are issued for promo codes have a limited validity. That is, you can get the weapon only for some time. Others have no such restrictions;
  • In some cases only a limited number of people can use the codes. If this happens, the code will cease to be relevant before the end of the month.

Standoff 2 promo codes for knife, weapon or gold are completely legal. You should not be afraid to use them. They are all released by the developers of the game and created specifically for users. You will not be banned or apply any other sanctions to your account.

Use Standoff 2 promo codes for January 2025

The validity of these codes is limited and they can also be one-time codes. You have until the end of the month to use them. No one can guarantee that they will work after that. However, in some cases, the creators of promo codes prolong their validity.

Released in 2017, the cooperative shooter for smartphones Standoff 2 managed to quickly gain popularity around the world. Now the game is played by millions of users from different countries. This is due not only to the high quality of the project, but also its cost. You can download the application to your phone for free.

However, as it often happens in such cases, to get good weapons, skins and other bonuses you need to either play a lot or pay real money. Instead of spending dozens of hours in the game and spending your money, you can use Standoff promo codes. This is a simple combination of numbers and letters, by entering which in a special field you can get a variety of free bonuses.

Learn more about the game Standoff 2

Mobile gaming is becoming more and more popular. Today this sphere has become a multi-billion dollar business. One of the leaders among smartphone owners is rightly considered a mobile game Standoff 2. Only in Google Play store the application has already been downloaded by about 5 million people.

The game presents a large number of a variety of weapons. It is possible to give him a different appearance thanks to the skins. However, for all this to spend gold, which is quite difficult to earn. Today we publish Standoff 2 promo codes, with which you can get gold, weapons and unique skins for free.